Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Hypothetically, if you and i were hanging out and looking for something fun to do, we would probably consider getting even more people together and having a party.
[The fact that people feel the need to do something "epic" in order to transcend normalcy (a.k.a. boring reality) is another issue altogether.]
Or maybe a party isn't reasonable, but "hey, let's get wasted!"

..................W H Y ? ! ..................

I just finished watching the movie 50/50 and **spoiler alert** toward the very end of the movie, Adam and Kyle are hanging out together, potentially for the last time for the rest of their lives because Adam has to go into surgery in order to remove the cancer. If they don't remove the cancer, he'll die. If the surgery goes bad, he'll die. Adam's best friend, Kyle, represents the average person. What he says and does in the movie is a reflection of what happens in real life. On what could be their last night hanging out, Kyle gets wasted -- because what else is there to do to commemorate such an important moment? [Kyle is also hoping he and Adam can find a couple of girls to sleep with -- because it's apparently the goal in life, right? Animals...But that's another issue altogether, reserved for another time. For now, let's focus on why people so often get wasted.] In some respects, we can all relate. You could look at hanging out and getting drunk together as a way for 2 friends to be completely on the same page.

Let's experience the same thing because then tonight will be memorable and we'll bond as brothers. (Guys bond by doing what the other is doing, whether its getting drunk, high, playing sports, video games, hiking, or whatever. People in the modern era have been conditioned to make "sharing memories" the end result, and not things like conversation/discussion/discourse. Ironically, after memories have been made, we share them with others by bringing it up in conversation and recounting the events that took place. So it turns out that conversation is the end result, but somehow not the desired ends of a mean. Nor is conversation a means to an end in today's society. And look, it's not society's fault. Don't we all have a role in shaping society? It works vice versa because, sadly, people choose to be informed by society so they can be like society. We are not taught to be improved individuals, though we are taught to be self-centered. The American government doesn't help matters because greed and corruption have skewed the way it makes decisions. Seriously, corporations are people? And the media is an uncontrollable beast which ultimately controls government and informs our society? Beware the news programs.)

As i was saying, "
Let's experience the same thing because then tonight will be memorable and we'll bond as brothers."

Logical and makes sense. Except, of course, if you get drunk often just for kicks and giggles, you'll decide to get even more wasted to symbolize how special the occasion is. And then, of course, you won't remember much of anything, so WHAT IS THE POINT? In the movie 50/50, Adam didn't even get drunk with Kyle -- he was too concerned with dying tomorrow! He even says "what's the point?!"

My question for you is,
if you knew your best friend was probably going to die tomorrow and you had all of today to hang out, what would you do?

Every human faces the fears of death. For 1st world citizens who make a living out of acquiring material wealth, we have (seemingly) more to lose and seemingly more to fear (squandered opportunities to make a more positive world, are we leaving our loved ones set for life, etc).

What would you do today with your best friend who will probably die tomorrow?
What would you want to do if you knew YOU were going to die tomorrow? Who would you spend today with and what would you do? Something wasted, or something of lasting value? Something that would normally be regretful (obviously you won't regret it tomorrow if you're dead, but does that make it ok -- does that make it right)? Would you try to share your wisdom and hope, try to encourage your loved ones to make their lives more positive? Wouldn't you like to "rest in peace?"

..............whatever decision you make is probably how you should spend every day for the rest of your life. And if your decision is to do something that normally has regretful consequences, ask yourself why you would want that to be the last thing you ever experienced...the lasting image everyone is going to have of you.............who/what put that decision into your head?

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